Detox Your Body and Clean Your Liver In 5 Days With This Homemade Juice

Detox Your Body and Clean Your Liver In 5 Days With This Homemade Juice

The liver plays a crucial role in our lives. It carries many vital functions in the body. It’s in the core of every metabolic process. It role is to filter blood, produce enzymes needed for blood clotting, to break down fat and release energy.

Toxins in our blood makes it difficult for our liver to an almost irreversible extent. This has a huge negative impact on its function. Damaged liver slows down the weight loss process, because the metabolism of fats goes at a slow pace as well.

It is important to detoxify your liver regularly to boosts its function, and stimulate the breakdown of fats in the body. The recipe that we will show you has proved as one of the most efficient ways to do that.  It can restore the natural powers of your liver within 5 days.

Homemade Juice Recipe That Will Detox Your Body and Clean Your Liver In 5 Days:


  • 5 celery stalks
  • 1 cup parsley, chopped
  • 3 lemons
  • 6 cups of water


The first step is the most important one. Wash the ingredients well. Organic lemons might be the best choice, because you won’t be peeling them. Next, blend the ingredients until smooth, but leave the water aside. Pour in the water, and blend again. That’s pretty much everything you should do!

For best results, you should drink 2 cups of the remedy before each meal. That would be three times a day. Do this for three days, make a 7-day break, and do it all over again. Stay away from heavy metals, and drink plenty of water to boost the effect of your detox, and promote weight loss.


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