If You Are Banana Lover Read These 10 Shocking Facts (No. 5 Is Very Important)

If You Are Banana Lover Read These 10 Shocking Facts (No. 5 Is Very Important)

One of the best superfoods in this world are bananas of course. They are full of minerals and vitamins, combined with their delicious taste, which explains why they are popular all over the world.

Here’s what Dr.Mercola has to say for this superfood:

“Bananas contain all kinds of good things – health-promoting flavonoids and polyphenolics, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, beta and alpha carotenes, acting as free radical-gobbling antioxidants. That’s also an advantage in the high vitamin C content, most known for its infection-fighting properties.

Just one banana contains 467 mg of potassium, which is essential for controlling your heart rate and blood pressure. The vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in bananas provides around 28% of what is needed daily to help prevent anaemia and coronary artery disease. The fibre in abundance helps keep your digestive system regulated. Magnesium helps strengthen your bones and protects your heart. Manganese is needed to activate the antioxidant enzyme. One banana supplies an adequate amount of copper to keep up the production of red blood cells.”

Therefore, bananas offer a variety of medicinal properties, and their regular consumption supports health in multiple ways.

If you are a banana lover, here are 10 good reasons for you to start eating these incredibly healthy fruits daily:

*   Bananas are beneficial in the case of diabetes, as they regulate blood sugar levels

*   They are rich in potassium and low in sodium, so their regular consumption lowers the risk of cardiovascular issues.

*   Bananas are high in fibre, so they help digestion, prevent constipation and indigestion, and regulate your bowel movements

*   They are abundant in vitamin B6, which fights inflammation, improves the function of the nervous system, and soothes joint pain

*   Being rich in potassium and other brain-healthy minerals, bananas make the brain sharper and boost the cognitive abilities

*   The high iron content of bananas stimulates the production of new red blood cells, so they are excellent in the case of anaemia

*   They are also high in tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin, and thus improve mood and prevent depression 

*   They improve the calcium absorption in the body and keep the bones healthy preventing fractures

*   Bananas are a potential cure for kidney cancer and avoid the formation of kidney stones

*   Their consumption before and after workout boosts your energy levels and provides the needed nutrients for the muscles


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