This Simple Method Will Help You To Kill Sinus Infection in 20 Seconds

Kill Sinus Infection

This is definitely the easiest method.

You should just push your tongue against the roof of your mouth and place the thumb in between your eyebrows. Keep the pressure on the area you are holding with your thumb for 20 seconds. The first results should come immediately, followed by sinus drainage.

Here’s the Step-by-step method: 

There’s a bone, held by the nasal cavity, also known as the Vomer bone, and is placed vertically in the cavity. Lisa De Stefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, tells us that this method is one of the most  successful because it allows the Vomer bone to move back and forth.

This method treats congestion and empties the sinuses at the same time.

Apple Cider Vinegar is the ingredient that can also help you to kill sinus infection!

The health benefits that apple cider vinegar brings us just can’t stop growing.

We are all aware of the ACV benefits, and in this article we present you how this magical liquid can cure your sinus infection in no time!

Viruses are usually the reason for causing sinus infection, and at the same time tend to stick inside the organism even after the lungs are cleared.

So, what happens is the sinuses lining becomes inflamed, and this leads further to chronic headaches, discomfort and pain. A fever is likely to happen as well.

The ACV is plentiful in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber and will cease any sickness symptoms. It will also provide the greatest health benefits for your body, if consumed raw and unfiltered.

Here’s the recipe how to prepare it:


1/2 cup of water

1/4 cup unfiltered apple cider vinegar

one tablespoon raw honey

1 tsp. cayenne pepper

one lemon, juiced


1. Boil water and then combine it with apple cider vinegar in a glass.

2. Add honey, cayenne pepper and stir well.

3. At the end, just add lemon juice.

Consume remedy until you feel sinus pain relief.


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